About Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day, a holiday honoring mothers is celebrated in countries around the world. In its modern form, the holiday originated in the United States, where it is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Many other countries also celebrate the festival on this day, while some celebrate the festival at other times of the year. In the Middle Ages, the custom began to allow emigrants to visit their home parishes with mothers on Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent. It became Mother’s Day in Britain, where it continues to this day, although it has been largely replaced by Mother’s Day.
Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, whose mother organized a women’s group to promote friendship and health, is the founder of Mother’s Day.
On May 12, 1907, he held a memorial service at his late mother’s church in Grafton, West Virginia. Within five years, almost every state was celebrating the day and, in 1914, the US President. Woodrow Wilson made it a national holiday. Although Jarvis promoted wearing white as a tribute to his mother, the tradition began to wear red or pink to represent a living mother or white meat for a dead mother. Over time, the day was expanded to include other people, such as grandmothers and aunts, who work as mothers.
However, what used to be a day of honor, became associated with sending cards and giving gifts and, in protest at his business, Jarvis spent the last years of his life trying to cancel the meeting he had created. . These festivals honoring mothers and mother goddesses date back to ancient times. The Phrygians feasted for Cybele, the Great Mother of God, as did the Greeks for the goddess Rhea. Likewise, the Romans adapted the practice to their own pantheon. Some countries continue to celebrate ancient times; for example, Durga-puja, honoring the goddess Durga, is still an important festival in India.
It is believed that the celebration of Mother’s Day began at this time in the United States, when a woman named Anna Jarvis wanted the celebration to be held because her mother expressed such a wish.
Mother’s Day: Significance
Mother’s Day is important in ways that go beyond personal expressions of love. It reminds mothers of their value to society and the important role they play in raising and raising the next generation. Mother’s Day is also a reminder of the importance of empowering and supporting mothers in their work, whether as community leaders, caregivers or professionals.
Finally, Mother’s Day is a beloved holiday that honors mothers around the world. It celebrates their dedication, selflessness and impact on our lives. Mother’s Day is a time to express gratitude and make mothers feel special and grateful.
Why does people celebrate?

Mothers deserve to be celebrated every day. Not only in India, but across the world, they are not getting their due. The gifts they give to the family, the many things they have sacrificed deserve to be called with respect. Mother’s Day, as such, reminds us to think about mothers and mothers in our lives, who inspire us every day and make us want to be good people.
What do people do?
Many people remember their parents on Mother’s Day. The maternal figure may include mothers-in-law, parents, step-mothers, a guardian (such as an adoptive parent), or a family friend. There are many ways to celebrate Mother’s Day. They include (but are not limited to):
Give a card, flowers or cake. Family gatherings or visits.
Breakfasts, brunches, lunches and family meals at home, in a cafe or in a restaurant. Personal phone calls, especially for children who live far away from their mother and/or mother.
Songs and messages for Mother’s Day. Gifts of chocolate, jewelry, accessories, clothing, hobby equipment or tools, handmade items or gift certificates.
A day at the cinema with mothers and/or mothers. Mother’s Day is celebrated in many countries including China where a popular delicacy is a Mother’s Day gift. Some groups in Samoa perform many songs and dances around the country. They celebrate the contribution of mothers to the Samoan community.